Thursday, February 28, 2013

By: Sara Pennypacker
Clementine is a story about friendship, and how far you would go for a friend. Clementine's best friend Margaret gets glue in her hair during an art project, and Clementine decides to help her out. Clementine's idea of help is to cut off Margaret's hair, and this lands her in extremely hot water with the principal and Margaret's mother. As Clementine's week progresses she keeps getting into more trouble as she tries to fix her problems. She ends up cutting off all her hair to make Margaret feel better, and she makes Margaret a hat to cover up Margaret's missing hair, but on Thursday Margaret stops talking to Clementine. By Saturday, even Clementine's mother is upset with her, and its up to Clementine to fix her friendship with Margaret, and get out of trouble with her parents.

This is a really great book about friendship. It shows how far Clementine was willing to go to help Margaret feel better. And it also takes a look at how children solve problems versus how adults solve problems. What seems like a good solution to the problem of Margaret's hair getting cut off is for Clementine to cut off her own hair. As an adult, we know that this is probably not the right thing for Clementine to do, and when she was "helping" Margaret cut off her hair she should have gotten an adult to solve the problem. This is also a good book on how everyone can have a bad week, like Clementine, but it is never too late to turn your week around.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really great book! I have never read it before and hope to do so soon! Seems like a great book to use in the classroom because it can be discussed through many topics, such a friendship, problem solving and overcoming bad weeks, which are all great topics to talk about to young children.
