Wednesday, March 6, 2013

By: Zora Neale Hurston
The Six Fools is a story about a man who wishes to marry a girl. The parents accept the man's proposal and the girl goes down to the cellar to get the man a glass of cider. As she's pouring the cider she becomes distracted by thoughts of her future children and what they should name them. The cider spills onto the floor, as one by one her parents join her foolish daydreaming. The man exclaims that he will travel the world and if he can find three people as foolish as the girl and her parents he will return and marry the girl. He travels the world and finds three other people that are just as foolish and eventually returns to the girl.

This is a really great book for students to read because it encourages laughter and a sense of humor. It also takes a look at problem solving, which is important for children to learn. The man encounters people that he thinks are foolish because of how they tried to solve their problems. Their solutions are somewhat crazy, and impractical. When the man suggests a more practical way to solve the problems, the people simply say "I never thought of that!" This shows students that there are many ways, both practical and impractical, to approach and solve a problem.


  1. i have never heard of this book, but it seems like one i would love to read! i like the point you bring up about problem solving. this is an important lesson for children to learn and can influences the child's ability to learn critically.

  2. This book is a good one for children to learn about problem solving! Showing the children that it is ok for you take suggestions from other people, and they may wok out better! Great book thanks for sharing!

  3. I think I'm most intrigued by the fact that this book can be used for or even introduce problem solving. I know if I were to read it, I would have focused on the humor of the story instead of this lesson but after taking this class maybe I would have been able to recognize it. Nice job! It reminds me of a folk tale and these are good stories for children to be exposed to.

  4. This seems to be a very entertaining story! I love the look at problem solving aspect of this story. Kids sometimes only think of one way to solve a problem without seeing that there may be an easier way, and this book can lead to a good discussion on different ways to solve problems.
