Thursday, February 21, 2013

By: Ellen Klages

The Green Glass Sea is the story about a young girl named Dewey who lives with her father on the Hill. Technically they don't exist, and neither does the Hill, all it is is a P.O. box number. The Hill is located in Los Alamos, and the scientists there were working on a top secret project that will help them win the war and defeat Hitler. Dewey is not the only child living on the Hill, and she soon becomes friends with another girl there named Suze. Dewey lives on the Hill from November of 1943 up until the atom bomb is dropped on Hiroshima. The whole time Dewey is living on the Hill, she wants to know what it is the scientists are working on, but it is forbidden for her to ask questions about the project. Eventually the project is completed and everyone on the Hill is able to view the test run. After seeing the demonstration, the scientists begin to realize what a huge mistake they have made, and they understand that they could never actually use this weapon on other human beings.

This is an excellent book for teaching students about World War II and the development of the atom bomb. This book is from the perspective of the children living on the Hill, and through them the perspective of the scientists is expressed. At first the scientists feel like the completion of their project is a matter of life and death, and it is the only way to defeat Hitler and the Japanese and win the war. They pay no attention to the consequences this project may have on other people. It is only until they see the destructive power of the bomb that they realize the real evil they have created. This is a great book because it tells the same story of World War II, but it expresses a side that was a secret at the time of the war.

I really enjoyed this book, and the different take on World War II that is presents. I obviously have a strong connection with this book because it takes place so close to home. I personally have been to Los Alamos and have seen pictures of Hiroshima after the atom bomb was dropped. I also have been to White Sands, the area where they first tested the atom bomb. Overall, this was an excellent novel and i would enjoy teaching it to students.


  1. I read this book in middle school own my own and loved it! I still remember parts of this book. This really is a great novel to discuss WWII in a different light and with a different perspective. It's also great because it is part of our New Mexico history, so students can make connections of how we played a role in WWII. This is a great book!

  2. This book seems like a great book that helps kids understand more about the war. I like the fact that it relates even more to our state and our area. I grew up in a hometown near Los Alamos. When I become a teacher, I think it will be great for kids to actually know that history was made right next to us. I think kids will relate to it more because it's a familiar place to them.

  3. You summarized this book very nicely, and I really want to read it. It seems very interesting, and would be a wonderful read aloud book for students. It would be nice for kids to see WWII from a different perspective from the textbooks and government. I agree with Jem and Makayla about how this book is especially great for New Mexican kids, because this terrible weapon was made right under our noses.
