Wednesday, April 10, 2013

By: Chen Jiang Hong
The Magic Horse of Han Gan is about a young boy who loves to draw and paint, but his parents cannot afford to buy him the brushes and paper he needs. So he works for a delivery service to help out his family and on one of the deliveries he starts drawing a horse in the sand. The person he delivered the food to just happened to be a famous painter and he sees Han's drawing and tells him to come back the next day. When Han returns the next day there are paper and brushes for him to use to paint. Han Gan only every paints horses though, and he becomes a very famous painter. He then is sent to an art institute by the emperor because he has such great talent.

This is an excellent book for young children to read because it encourages creativity and following your dreams. Han Gan didn't get discouraged that his parents could not afford brushes and paper for him to paint on. Instead he continued to follow his passion of painting and eventually he fulfilled his dream of becoming a famous painter. It is really important for children to know that they should never be discouraged to follow their dreams, and this book helps show them that.

1 comment:

  1. Books like these i feel are great because they tell kids to follow your dreams and do great things.
